What kind of open burning is allowed?

Within Streetsboro City limits, you may do the following (certain restrictions may apply):

  1. Have a barbeque, camp fire or cookout utilizing clean, dry wood, no larger that 2 feet high by 3 feet wide. No permit is required.
  2. Eliminate certain agricultural wastes; disease and pest control. Must notify Ohio EPA in advance and meet all requirements.
  3. Conduct a ceremonial fire. Must notify Ohio EPA in advance and meet all requirements.
  4. Utilize certain occupational fires.

For answers to any other questions about lawful open burning, call the fire station business line at 330-626-4664, or the Akron Regional Air Quality Management District at 1-800-589-2480. Illegal open burning will be extinguished. Additionally, fines may be imposed by the municipality and/or regional and Federal authorities. More information is available here: https://epa.ohio.gov/portals/47/facts/openburn.pdf

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