Marriage Ceremonies

Mayor Broska performs marriage ceremonies at City Hall Monday through Friday 9am-4pm by appointment. Please contact Missy Procop in our office to see if your day and time is available.


Required Documents

*Identification for both parties
*Marriage License from County Office

Ohio Revised Code 3101.08 Who may solemnize marriages.

An ordained or licensed minister of any religious society or congregation within this state who is licensed to solemnize marriages, a judge of a county court in accordance with section 1907.18 of the Revised Code, a judge of a municipal court in accordance with section 1901.14 of the Revised Code, a probate judge in accordance with section 2101.27 of the Revised Code, the mayor of a municipal corporation in any county in which such municipal corporation wholly or partly lies, the superintendent of the state school for the deaf, or any religious society in conformity with the rules of its church, may join together as husband and wife any persons who are not prohibited by law from being joined in marriage.
Effective Date: 04-11-1991 .

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